I'm trying to visualize your opening:

"Part bugbear, weasel, snake, red herring, white elephant, and dinosaur..."

I can put the snake as the trunk of the albino elephant that has the body of a brontosaurus with a long furry tail of a weasel, but I prefer pickled herring to red herring and I don't know what to do with the bugbear but we can CGI morph the whole thing to look like a Tardigrade and I think we'll have it covered.

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"Conspiracy theory" was a smear phrase invented by a corrupt USA agency to confuse the increasing less well-educated public. Theory effectively means proven fact, at least in science. A speculative idea is called a hypothesis. Many conspiracy statements have been systematically proven, but the labels "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theories" have been cynically used, inverting their real meaning, to suppress discussion of informed speculation and facts.

"Your neighbour down the street who belongs to the Masons is not a bad person". Nonsense!

Freemasonry is Satanism in disguise, designed to identify and recruit those of bad character, up to their current tolerance, up the degrees, to be progressively controlled by blackmail/death-oaths from the rituals and related activities. All the Freemason are Satanists (Albert Pike stated this very clearly), whether they realised this or not, so are all tares until they completely reject Freemasonry and repent. All the members in the lower degrees are used as public-relations cover, loyal idiots, and even "cannon fodder", to progress the evil of Freemasonry. These tares go by other names too, including Rotarians, Shriners, etc. The music and film industries are known, to the informed, as requiring participation in Satanism for success, the "One Eye Club" signals this, and use many symbols of the Freemasons, even performing in Freemasonry lodges!

It is not the genuine "common" Jews, like the Samaritans, who are the main problem, by rather the false Jews, the Pharisees, aka Orthodox "Jewish" Rabbis, other Satanists and pathological people, and all those taught lies by these tares. No true Jew would be obsessed with wealth, usury, or other crime, and would welcome regular jubilees, to void the unpayable debt from usury.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

Seems to this ol' mechanic, Prof P, 'the lady dost protest too much, methinks' If You glance at Dr.Henry Makow's 'insider' writings/rightings, the compleat picture emerges& it ain't pretty...cheers

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