I got to this and grasped that You are not seeing the full picture:

"There are three ways to acquire wealth:

[Agriculture - Industry - Theft]

"… and by wealth we do not mean Scrooge McDuck, or the Beverly Hillbillies, or Taylor Swift, or Jeff Bezos, or (insert first name here) Rothschild. We mean the financial means to feel secure in one’s surroundings; to not fear every tomorrow.

"This modest definition excludes billions of decent folks around the world, and that is sad state of affairs. Always remember: the leading cause of death in the world is POVERTY!!!!

"There is enough wealth in the world to make everyone comfortable in terms of nutritious food, adequate shelter, and the absence of violence; but the Great Pirates have stolen this blessing and perverted all of the organs of civilized society. Miles Mathis has traced this mostly hidden cohort of bloodline conspirators back to the ancient Phoenicians (link)."

EveryOne born here on Our planet has an interest in the wealth - it's Our planet. The moneyed psychopaths long ago declared the rest of Us "incompetent," and placed Our interest in the wealth into "TRUSTS" (legal caps). They were the "TRUSTEES." So now, They control what They don't own - just like that sweetheart, John D. Rockefeller said.

And today We do not need ALL of Us plugging Our energy in. Maybe 10%, really, and I go into the details in the articles below as to why. We can co-create vastly better than what the psychopaths in control now are creating for Us, and return to Us what is Ours.

Accounting For the Energy We Add (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/accounting-for-the-energy-we-add

A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system

I Have a Blueprint (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-have-a-blueprint

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You are always and tirelessly "doing it better" than anyone else on the face of the planet or throughout the entire history of the existence of mankind.

I simply don't know how you do it.

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Thank you for providing links to your important work. I will continue studying it.

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As usual your deconstructions are exhaustive (not exhausting) so I must comment as I scroll.

There was a time when a 'virus' couldn't exist outside a body for any longer than the sample containing it would allow it to dessicate. GameOver. Then, one day, the CDC said that hepatitis B was lingering on blood stains that had been on surfaces for a month.


Coodies on your mail? Only if they were delivered by Fart Dee Trick.

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I remember when viruses were inanimate particles of RNA. Then one day the CDC said that they had evolved to plague churches and small businesses and pass over Walmart and Home Depot like a death angel over a blood stained door jamb.

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Pharm Chem I Culls are human drugs that just happen to kyll weeds.

This late spring they sprayed a con cock shun that gave me reactive airway disease that was EXACTLY like an upper respiratory infection without the infection/fever/etc. I got rid of it with a particular herb in my anti-lyme concoction that just happens to have hundreds to thousands of years of history as a fix for bronchitis.

Chinee smoke machine needa millor. Illusion compreete.

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Brilliant, Jim. Am I wrong, or does capitalism still exist at garage sales and farmer's markets?

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Thanks, Mark! So true -- garage sales and farmer's markets -- knock on wood ...

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I save your missives offline but the Pirate Quote reminded me that I hadn't done it yet.

There's a keeper.

Where'd my parrot go?

Anyone seen me eyepatch?

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Color of Law bullshit comes with hefty fines and jail time. Worse if there are we upons involved but don't all of the jackbooted thugs have pistols as penis replacements?

So I have to ask if during the Barber of Seville play if ANYONE was charged with federal crimes?

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Dude, you look good in cheesecloth.

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Who put the ape in apricot?

What have they got that I haven't got?


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St. Augustine called out the Privateers 2,000 years ago. Buckminster Fuller described them as Pirates more recently. Instead of hanging high, they're living large. Worshipped as celebrities for Greed. Great essay. Though Gruesome Newsom with his Data Dashboard was a pedantic tyrant, but Fetchin' Gretchen made him look moderately human. He never wore snakeskin in public.

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AND the sneaky covert psychopaths even coopted Pirates for their own use. Many Pirates were business people who ran the ports in various locales. They were egalitarian and had no preference for the wealthy shippers over the man with one ship. If you could pay their docking fees, you could load and unload your cargo. Of course, the wealthy shippers could not have this. Oh, no, Sir. So they instituted government regulations and control over the ports, demonized Pirates by portraying them all as thieves and murderers, then took lawless piracy for themselves as a way of accruing wealth.

My last name is Studebaker and he was a famous Pirate who ran the Port of Hamburg for many years, then immigrated to the US due to being ousted from Hamburg and began the Studebaker conestoga wagon company. Producing the finest wagons in the world and the majority that travelled across the wilderness of America transporting the first pioneers.

Then it happened all over again when Studebaker made automobiles that were luxury models the common man could afford that would last a lifetime. Ford, et al, could not tolerate this and bankrupted the Studebakers.

So when we see carefully curated images of Pirates courtesy of Disney, etc., we watch the psyhos gloat and how revolting that gloating is today and yesterday and will be tomorrow.

Thank you for this article. Just great. I learned and laughed a great deal. God Bless.

P.S. You do look good in cheesecloth. It becomes you. But glad you put it down.

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Thank you for your behind-the-scenes information about Studebaker! I liked your "handle" even before I knew what it meant. For readers, here is this person's Substack:


God bless!

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