“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Oh, Lordy... so what you're saying is that there is nothing sacred!

Done lost my mind ages ago.

If someone finds it, they can put it in a plastic jug and mail it back but given the postal service I don't think it will make it here in one peace.

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p.s. Where's Waldo?

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I'll testify to the integrity of your mind, my friend.

P. S. Waldo's lost in the integrity of his own mind.

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Are you saying that I'm lost in a Gold Mind?

I would atest that your's is a Silver Mind.

This is only Atest.

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We have now descended into the Land of Silly:)

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Do they sell cans of String here?

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Do we have to read them all or can I look at the pictures?

Line-item response to foller.

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Arny: I know I said I was going to chronologically support your thesis, but having come across a personal pronoun Fox Pass in your dissertation, so I have to issue a correction. In the 1998 version of Gozilla He was a She and She gave virgin birth to a clutch of Traffic-Hating monsters.

Most people know I have a mind like a steel trap (always clamped shut) so I was actually concerned for myself when I recently viewed the movie that I had originally seen in the Thee At Her in 1998. I DIDN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING EXCEPT THE BEGINNING WITH THE FAKE NOOK AND THEN CRUNCHING THROUGH THE CITY. GONE was ANY memory that this was about a transgender lizard with hundreds of demon babies that wanted to eat people.

How does an entire PLOT LINE disappear from one's memory when that person has done nothing but cultivate memory as a survival tool?

The Jend Her switcharoo so subtly melding into the current trend would have been totally lost on me if I hadn't viewed it again a quarter of a century later.

OK... the other thing that I remember is the Jurassic Park babies slipping on gumballs when their food supply was running away from them.

So, for accuracy, in future (as the British say) please use the proper addressment of Go Dzilla as:


When said fast, it captures the spirit of the thing.


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Good points and examples for us to consider. Btw, I would like to thank you for allowing us to select and copy segments and links for our own notes and future research. Very few Substack authors allow it.

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Thank you! I try to always give links, if available. Some might be years old. My archives go back to 2006. You are welcome to write to request more information any time, e.g. the Sci-Am "anti-reality" bit. If you're working on something, hit me up, I might have some raw material for you. The Web is being sanitized at a frightful pace.

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I appreciate your offer very much! Thank you also for referencing both Katherine's and Sasha's individual Substacks. While I subscribe to each already, you reminded me what excellent resources each can be, as well as yours of course 😊

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Wait a minute.... !

I figured out your title:

On Bickering

On Dickering



On Buy Den

Been Lied And

Been Trumped by

Dick Nixon

The Dissidents were hung

by their Necks with great care

because WEF and UN

soon would be there!

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Line-Item To Arny's Epic, Prologue:

"If you ask the wrong question - it doesn't matter what the answer is."

The single FATAL FLAW that I have seen in all of the talking heads chattering like those windup dentures is that they are USING THE STATISTICS OF THEIR ENEMY TO FORM THEIR OPINION.

Case in point:

There are those who say that there is no viruses or there was no kroner or that regardless of the psyop that they merely re-purposed the stats for annual flu deths as a Bates Motel and Switchblade.

Sorry kids.

You all fail. Go back to kindergarten.

IF your enemy are GENETIC LIARS (love your post on that one) THEN how can anyone believe ANYTHING that they publish?

What surveys, counts, studies, booger-mining with their extended pinkies did ANYONE do other than read the lies of liars to come to a conclusion that as Arny says: Was a predetermined conclusion based on which side of the dialectic the dogmatically deluded chose?

If the answer is none - then no one knows nothing about nothing.

Time to reset the gameboard. Everyone chokes down some Humbolt Pye without coffee and everyone starts over with what they know.

Not Jack Shit.

Jack, however, told me to tell all of you: "Hello."

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Line Item #1

If I may begin with the ubiquitous and suspicious Transgendergenda that appeared quite suddenly as a Force May Jure despite it being in the making for several millennia. That alone with people lopping off body parts is in itself a depopulation strategy.

Although I have trashed the notion of using the Enemy's statistics as examples, IF one were to place merit on the complaint of the In Sure Ant companies EXCESS DEATHS that measure in a mere 15 million or more, then depopulation debate is non-existent.

Added to the dichotomy I exposed like a nest of roaches of using the Enemy's statistics, we also have the Waller false-premise that a viral agent is rejected without any personal clinical work done by the claimant while the tacit acceptance of an mRNA We Upon is accepted as canon without any personal clinical work done by the claimant.

The Ancient Chinese said that spending ANY time in the hypothetical is a colossal waste of time that gives nothing in return.

Back to Kindergarten kids.

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Line item #2

If there is frustration by Waller for "not getting it" I can sympathize because I view nearly all humanity as having the neural integration of a flat worm that bumps against an obstacle, vectors away and then bumps again and continues until by the Grace of God or Good Luck it gets around it. But then, that is the strategy of those claiming to be awake and aware.

"Malone, it's Yeadon, Smalley and Cowan too"

There are certain givens: Malone could never be taken seriously once he went all Covid-Psychosis and sued Peter Breggin for several million.

I don't know Yeadon or Smally.

Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka and Bailey NEVER addressed the problem of Bacteriophages so they are useful tools at best or agents at worst.

These are just the simple tests to separate the goats from the oats.

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Once I've been lied to by a source I ignore it. It's like a switch has been flipped. I ignore all these inputs because they are desgned to confuse us. Your analysis takes more energy than I have to devote. We have so many truths to uncover that I am forced to limit what I am exposed to.

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Arny. Love yuh, man. I have to weigh in with my personal experience on your quote. I say this to all people all the time when the topic is brought up so there is no personal element to this rebuttal:

"The psychopathic cabal are guided by one metric: money. It is their sword and shield, and raison d’etre."

Eleven years in for-profit dialysis taught me that Evil eats Love and defecates Hate. They take all that is good from us to leave suffering, pain, grief and death. That is their sole (they have no soul) Reason for Being. They Live on Death. Money is the deflection, the Look Over There that everyone focuses on because the sheer Tear Your of thinking that we are literally surrounded by lethal beasts that feast on our Life Essence is demoralizing in the least. Money is a scorecard among Family to show how much carnage they inflicted. When you consider that they print what is passed off as money at will and the other fake commodities (precious metals) that are claimed by other sycho pants to be "Money" are claimed to be owned by the King because those were taken out of the ground that he only leases to the plebes, then there has never been money so, once again we are caught in a spell that falls apart when the word "money" itself is examined.

These monsters subsist on our Life Force that they extract from us in physical form, in mental anquish, AND in the exchange tokens that we traded them for our limited time here (wherever Here is).

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Line item #4


"What is the leading cause of death in the world? POVERTY!! This depopulation project has been active for centuries."


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Line item #5

Codex is already fully implemented. Major pharmaceutical companies have bought out the premiere supplement makers. Now product lines are being discontinued.

There is some Trans Parent Sea needed here in that the level of nutritional supplement science could have ONLY arisen from and with the infrastructure of: The BIG CHEMICAL/DRUG COMPANIES. So, alterNOTive medisin and allopathy were never really separate. It's just that they limped us along on half-assed palliatives and now that they think it is Game Over they are pulling those palliatives away.

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Line item #6

Big jump because everything you said inbetween is profound and needs no comment.

Dis Stain for in In Tie Leck Chew Wells and the Farts. Yes and No. The commies have always beaten down the Intelligensia because they are able to present resistance against the brute force monsters. But the A.I. festering below the surface for decades has been MODELING what are called "creatives" because if the machine can model INSPIRATION AND INTENT then it will become autonomous of the creatures it relies on to do its dirty work, thus rendering them redundant and to be sent to the knackers. Like any jealous petulant toddler the A.I. has a love/hate with the object of what it wants to subsume.

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