This is a great write up.

"Freudianism was a bunch of sick Talmudic filth designed mentally cripple the serfscattlegoy”

Oh man…..after 50 years I agree. But it took me that long to figure it out.

I heartily have the most utter disrespect for white coats with psychiatrists on the apex of my list of people I would throw out the earth-ship to ligthen the cargo….if you know what I mean.

The foot experiment video of Patrick Jordan is excellent.

Some of the experiments I was not aware of….yes all lies. Experiment that never occurred. Because everybody is conditioned to “RESPECT” authority. A good exercise is to begin to disrespect these figure and look at them like meth dealers at street corners. They are a bunch of psychopaths who friends with the other psychopaths, head of states, or so called leaders…..

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Author and I seem to have grown up in the same era the way he writes.

Over the years, and much reading, I always figured maybe I'm just mentally stronger(?) than many of these subjects. After all, scientists never lie, they follow the evidence.

Covid changed all this. I witnessed in real time, lying, and more lying, and then the playground actions of adults(!) to humiliate and marginalize dissenters and even questioners by force, if necessary.

This excellent article, which must have taken an enormous amount of energy from the author, further validates my observations of life that I am rather normal; I just give things more thought than the average person who blows "to and fro" as stated in James 1.

Thanks for an incredibly long, well-thought out article which, once again proves, Mom was right: Follow the Golden Rule and repudiate Evil as taught in the Bible.

I will never look at the Man of La Mancha the same!

The "Impossible Dream" is what makes humanity.

Thank you for the insights.

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I ponder what Our world would look like without money - not just going back to trade/barter, which are money in direct form (they account for Our energy input into a system/community - no evidence of input, no goods offered). Without accounting for the energy We add at all. Would there be these ghastly experiments?

If We stand under the three Laws of Ethics, and there is no way to buy People to nefarious deeds... Would We see these horrendous activities?

Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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You had me at your reference to Pat Jordan as he is a longtime friend of mine. I also appreciate your style of interspersing the data with your delightful sarcasm. Excellent reveal!

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1000% THEY experiment on US so they can figure out the best ways to control us, harm us, breed us. break us biologically & enslave us on all levels. This was sooo well done. Patrick would be so proud!

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Fellow Dude,

Thanks for the plug of my video.

Thanks even more for bringing your insights that I had no previous reference or experience for to enlarge and amplify the scope of this mechanism of control.

You had me at Figure 3 ! NOW you're talkin' MY LANGUAGE. Which is to say that even I don't know the intricacies of those signalling pathways but it can be reduced to a very simple Farm Boy explanation: If you use your thumb and forefinger to flick this domino here:... then all of these other dominoes will fall in an unstoppable cascade, so that the end result of the Rube Goldberg machine is that the weight will fall the noose will tighten and the plastic man will be hung --- every fucking time.

Hey, I read then comment in real time. I just scrolled down to see that... YOU GOT IT! MOLECULAR SWITCHES JUST LIKE IN THE BIOLOGY OF AGGRESSION !

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Absolutely fascinating and confirmatory. Thank you.

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The real money in psychology, social psychology and psychiatry has been in controlling, not healing or helping. Anthropologists were possibly unwitting, useful educated idiots, paid to live with natives and observe, like Christian missionaries before the troops arrived.

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This is a stunning piece, absolutely shocking, an electrifying look at the dark corners of psychopathic explorations of that elusive concept of humanity, love, and empathy.

Puns aside, this is a great dive into the depravity of mind control attempts, at taxpayer expense, and more importantly at the expense of untold suffering and death - in an effort to steal, coerce, and control.

The steel footplate idea was recently popularized by several episodes of Disney's Andor, seven seconds to get off the floor (seven another allusion to the seven celestial planets and thereby the seven fallen angels).


A similar post I wrote a couple of weeks ago, however, you have included details I did not, and some information I missed:


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This piece really helped to frame things in a new way for me. Thank you so much. I keep thinking I’ve seen through the lies and then I’m struck by yet another very important aspect of the game and how it’s played. Whew! You gave me much to ponder.

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And I learned along with you, Annie! Together we will all recover everlasting truths and preserve our dignity, and a civil society. Lots to be done!

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Yep, all of their research is limited because they're limited. Psychopaths cannot truly understand humans, like aliens they see us as crazy for having empathy and either pretend to fit in or try to see how to break empathy.

Here's my short thing on issues with milgram asch and rat park.


And here's a great article that adds to my feeling that they never can read our minds or program things in. It's very crude like Delgado etc. They're like trying to change people by banging the TV set really hard lol Cameron.... Sheesh


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